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The Highway Code Part 1 - PEDESTRIANS

  1. fig. 1
    Where there is a sidewalk or footpath, use it. Do not walk next to the Curb with your back to the Traffic. Look both ways before you to step into the road.
  2. Where there is no footpath, walk on the right side of the road, it is safe to walk on the side facing oncoming traffic. Keep as close as possible to the side of the road and walk in single file. Take care at right hand bends.
  3. Do not stand on the roadway to wait on transportation, wait on the sidewalk or footpath.
  4. Do not allow children, up to the age of five at least, to go alone on the road. Go with them, walk between them and traffic, always keep a tight hold of their hands. Do not allow them to run, always set a good example for your children. They learn by imitation. See Figure (1)
  5. Always wear or carry something white or light-coloured or reflective in the dark. This is especially important on roads without footpaths. Motorists can see your better. See Figure (2).
  6. Do not loiter on the roadway or walk on cycle tracks, or wilfully obstruct the free passage.
  7. A marching body on the road should keep on the left hand side. There should be look-outs at a reasonable distance at the front and rear. At night they should carry lights, white at the front of the column and red at the rear.
  8. When crossing the road first look for a safe place to cross, then stop. Makes sure that you can see clearly along the road in all directions, then look right, look left and right again, when it is safe go straight across. Don’t try crossing between parked vehicles. See figure (3).
  9. It is safer to cross at Footbridges, Zebra Crossings, Pedestrians Crossings or where there is a Police Officer or Crossing Patrol.
  10. When crossing the road at junctions, look out for vehicles turning the corner especially from behind.
fig. 2
fig. 3

  1. Do not stand to near too the edge of the pavement. Stop a little way back from the Curb, where you will be away from traffic, but can still see if anything is coming. If there is no pavement or footpath stand back from the edge of the road where you can see traffic coming.
  2. At junctions controlled by traffic lights watch the traffic as well as lights, and cross only when the traffic light is in your favour and the vehicles have stopped. Avoid crossing at uncontrolled inter-sections.
  3. If the traffic lights have a “Cross Now or Walk” signal do not cross until that signal appears.
  4. When Police Officer or School Crossing Patrol is controlling traffic, cross the road only when the officer has signalled you to do so. Always cross in front of him.
  5. Remember that on one way streets there will usually be more than one lane of traffic proceeding in the same direction. Do not walk until it is safe to cross all the lanes of traffic.
  6. When about to cross do not stand behind any vehicle which has its engine running, because it might reverse into you.
  7. Keep out of the road if you see or hear Ambulances, Fire Engines, Police or other Emergency Vehicles with their lamps flashing or sirens sounding.
  8. Do not get off or on a Bus while it is moving, or when it is not a recognised stopping place. When stopping a Bus give a clear signal to the driver. Do not step into the road until it has come to a complete stop.
  9. After getting off a bus never cross behind or in front of it. Wait until it has moved off. Go when it is clear.
  10. Make a habit of assisting the aged, the blind or children to cross the road.
  11. Never open the door of any vehicle before ensuring that it is safe to do so. Get out of the vehicle on the curb side wherever possible.