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Public Service Vehicle (Taxi) Driver's Examination Study Guide

Learn the answers to all of these questions as many of them would come on your regulation test.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How would the driver of a taxi know the number of passengers he can legally carry?
  1. Ask the owner.
  2. On the outside of the right front door will be written the number of persons it is licenced to carry.
  3. Check the insurance.
  4. By the size of the vehicle.

2. Every driver of a Motor Vehicle on the roadway is required by law to keep his driving permit and insurance for the vehicle:
  1. At home?
  2. At the office and must be able to produce same at the request of a police within 48 hours?
  3. Anywhere that is convenient?
  4. On his person or in the vehicle?

3. How many hours can the driver of a Public Service Vehicle work in a day (24 hours)?
  1. 8 hours.
  2. 6 hours.
  3. 10 hours, not more than 5 1/2 hours continuously with (1/2) half-hour rest.
  4. As many hours as possible.

4. Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed limit on the highway outside of cities, Borough, Villages or Built-up areas for a taxi is:
  1. 50 miles (80 Kilometres) an hour?
  2. 40 miles (60 Kilometres) an hour?
  3. 30 miles (50 Kilometres) an hour?
  4. 60 miles (100 Kilometres) an hour?

5. When the driver of a taxi is about to stop on any road to take up passengers or otherwise, he shall:
  1. Stop anywhere as not to lose the passengers?
  2. Stop about 3 to 4 ft. from the curb?
  3. Draw up as close as possible to the left side of the road so as to allow a clear roadway for passing traffic?
  4. Stop immediately once there is no traffic in sight?

6. When may you lend your Taxi Driver's Badge and Licence?
  1. For identification purposes.
  2. It is not permitted.
  3. In emergencies.
  4. To a person who is the holder of a Driving Permit.

7. If a Licensing Officer has reason to believe that a Motor Vehicle does not conform to the provisions of the Ordinance or Regulations, and call up the Vehicle for inspection at the Licensing Department, the owner may:
  1. Refuse to comply having passed inspection one week before?
  2. Come up for inspection after seeking an appointment?
  3. Comply as instructed?
  4. Come up when he wishes?

8. In what position on the roadway must you be, before making a right turn from a one-way street?
  1. Close to the left side of the roadway.
  2. Close to the right side of the roadway.
  3. Close to the centre line of the roadway.
  4. Does not matter if you give proper signal.

9. When the driver of a Public Service Vehicle negligently or wilfully prevents, hinders or interrupts the free passage of any vehicle, person or animal, he is guilty of:
  1. Negligent driving?
  2. Careless driving?
  3. Driving without due care?
  4. Obstruction?

10. When the driver of a Public Service Vehicle is stopped by a Constable in uniform with excess passengers, what must be done with the excess?
  1. Forget the police and drive off.
  2. Keep the passengers since he will be charged.
  3. Eject all excess passengers.
  4. Go on if the passengers have already paid.

11. When approaching an intersection and you notice the roadway beyond the intersection is blocked with traffic, you should:
  1. Sound horn to warn cars ahead to move on?
  2. Keep as close as possible to the car ahead?
  3. Stop before entering the intersection and wait until traffic ahead moves on?
  4. Proceed into the intersection until the traffic ahead clears?

12. When travelling at less than the normal speed of other traffic, you should:
  1. Signal other drivers to pass you?
  2. Keep well to the right side of the roadway?
  3. Keep well to the left side of the roadway?
  4. Drive in the middle of the roadway?

13. What is the requirement by law in respect of the colour of your motor vehicle?
  1. Paint it in a colour of your choice.
  2. It must not be in the colour of the protective services.
  3. It can be painted red.
  4. Blue would do.

14. What is the law in connection with tinted glass and windshield of motor vehicles?
  1. It shall not be so tinted, treated or darkened as to obscure the view of the inside of the vehicle from the outside.
  2. When tinted, you can see inside from three feet away.
  3. Tint, once it can be removed at short notice.
  4. Tint so as not to see who is inside the vehicle.

15. Generally the safest drivers are those who:
  1. Always stay within the law?
  2. Adjust their driving to conditions?
  3. Have the best reaction time?
  4. Have the best vision?

16. When on streets designed for two-way traffic, you hear the siren of an emergency vehicle what does the law require you to do?
  1. Pull on the left and stop.
  2. Slow down at 10 miles (15 kilometres) an hour.
  3. Continue at the same speed.
  4. Speed up and get out of the way.

17. The best way to stop quickly on a wet roadway is to:
  1. Pump the brakes until you come to a stop?
  2. Apply brakes the same way you always do?
  3. Keep foot on brakes and let compression stop you?
  4. Put the brakes on hard and try to prevent vehicle from skidding?

18. What must the driver of a vehicle do before entering a highway from a Private road or Driveway?
  1. Enter or cross the highway as quickly as possible.
  2. Sound horn and proceed with caution.
  3. Give hand signal and then take right-of-way.
  4. Give right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on the highway.

19. What would a driver be qualified to drive a Taxi?
  1. At 17 years and owns a vehicle.
  2. At 20 years and has been driving regularly.
  3. At 21 years and has been driving regularly during the preceding 12 months.
  4. At 25 years and the holder of a valid driving permit.

20. What is deemed "A Public Service Vehicle"?
  1. A Goods Vehicle.
  2. A Wheel-Tractor or trailer.
  3. A Motor Vehicle used for carrying passengers for hire or reward.
  4. A Private Vehicle carrying passengers.

21. Which of the following is legal when driving a Public Service Vehicle?
  1. Use a horn or other instrument for the purpose of calling passengers.
  2. Demanding fares in advance from any person employing him or intending to travel or ordering him to wait or to drive further.
  3. Smoke after objection made by any passenger.
  4. Make use to any passenger of any abusive language or insulting gestures.

22. It shall be lawful for a driver of a Public Service Vehicle to:
  1. Call out to or to otherwise importune any person to travel by such Public Service Vehicle?
  2. Loiter for the purpose of procuring passengers or otherwise?
  3. While waiting to pick up passengers, race his engine or make any loud or unnecessary noise with his engine?
  4. Refuse to allow any person or himself use a Public Service Vehicle for any indecent or immoral purpose?

23. When any property is left in a Public Service Vehicle, the driver shall:
  1. Within 24 hours deposit such property, if not sooner claimed, at the Police Station nearest to his residence?
  2. Keep it for seven days; if not claimed, take it to the Police Station?
  3. Send it to the Police Station?
  4. Take it to a Newspaper Office?

24. The driver of a taxi shall at the request of any passenger who wishes to alight:
  1. Stop at the bus stop?
  2. Stop immediately on the left side in such a manner as not to cause an obstruction?
  3. Stop when he pleases?
  4. Make one stop for all passengers?

25. When driving on the roadway, the driver of a Public Service Vehicle must be:
  1. Dressed in a sleeve-less merino?
  2. Without shirt? (bare-skin)?
  3. In a short pants, shirt and bare feet?
  4. Suitably attired?

26. On approaching a Stop Sign, a driver must:
  1. Slow down, sound horn and proceed?
  2. Slow down, and if the way is clear proceed?
  3. Stop, sound horn, then proceed?
  4. Stop, and when it is safe to do so, proceed?

27. Unless otherwise posted the maximum speed limit allowed in the Cities, Boroughs, Villages or Built-up areas for a taxi is:
  1. 20 miles (30 kilometres) an hour?
  2. 30 miles (50 kilometres) an hour?
  3. 35 miles (56 kilometres) an hour?
  4. 25 miles (40 kilometres) an hour?

28. When the traffic signal light facing you is red and you intend to go straight through the intersection, what must you do?
  1. Stop, give pedestrians the right of way, then proceed with caution.
  2. Stop, proceed when the way is clear.
  3. Slow down, proceed when the way is clear.
  4. Stop, proceed only when the signal turns green and when the roadway is clear.

29. On demand of your Taxi Drivers' Badge and Licence for inspection by a passenger in the taxi, what is required by Law?
  1. Produce them for inspection.
  2. Do not produce them.
  3. Abuse the passenger.
  4. Put down the passenger.

30. A person whose driver's licence is under suspension may:
  1. Operate a Motor Vehicle in a case of extreme emergency?
  2. Operate a Motor Vehicle to and from work?
  3. Operate a Motor Vehicle when accompanied by a Licenced Driver?
  4. Not operate a Motor Vehicle under any condition?

31. When a red signal light with a green arrow is shown at an intersection it means:
  1. Stop and wait for green light before making turn in the direction of the arrow?
  2. Proceed with caution in the direction of the arrow giving right-of-way to pedestrians and other traffic?
  3. Stop and then proceed?
  4. The green arrow is a signal for pedestrians only?

32. If you are convicted for drugs or drinking and driving you are liable to a fine of two hundred and forty dollars or 6 months imprisonment or both and you will lose your Driver's Licence on the first offence for:
  1. 3 months?
  2. 1 month?
  3. 12 months?
  4. 6 months?

33. How soon after a change of ownership both the registered owner and the new owner must notify the Licensing Authority?
  1. Within 14 days.
  2. Within 1 month.
  3. Within 7 days.
  4. Any time prior to the renewal of Licence.

34. When involved in an accident in which some one is injured a report must be made:
  1. To a Police in uniform or the nearest Police Station immediately?
  2. Within 48 hours?
  3. To your insurance company only, within 5 days?
  4. To the Ministry of Transport?

35. When the driver of a Motor Vehicle refused to give his name and address to a Constable in whose view an offence has been committed, the Constable:
  1. Must seek the advice of his Senior Officer before arresting?
  2. Must have a warrant to arrest?
  3. Cannot arrest?
  4. Can arrest without a warrant?

36. If a person is disqualified for holding or obtaining a Driving Permit, applies for or obtains a permit while he is so disqualified he shall be liable to:
  1. A fine of two hundred and forty dollars?
  2. A fine of two thousand dollars or 6 months imprisonment?
  3. 6 months imprisonment?
  4. He cannot be both fined and be imprisoned for the same offence?

37. To what penalty is a driver liable who is convicted of driving while disqualified?
  1. Two hundred and forty dollars.
  2. Five hundred dollars.
  3. One thousand dollars or one year imprisonment.
  4. Four hundred and eighty dollars or six months imprisonment or both.

38. What documents may a Police Officer require a taxi driver on the roadway to produce?
  1. A driver's permit.
  2. Insurance for the vehicle.
  3. Taxi driver's badge and licence.
  4. All or any of the above.

39. Which of the following penalties can the court impose on a person convicted of driving above the speed limit of 30 or 50 miles per hour?
  1. Suspension of Licence for six months.
  2. Shall be liable to a fine of five hundred dollars, and to be disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving permit as the court thinks fit.
  3. Disqualification for 30 days.
  4. Impoundment of Motor Vehicle for 6 months.

40. The Commissioner of Transport may suspend a driving licence after a driver chalks up a minimum of:
  1. 10 points within a year?
  2. 30 points within a year?
  3. 15 points within a year?
  4. 20 points within a year?

41. It is unlawful to refuse to hire your taxi:
  1. When the out-and-return journey is more than 20 miles?
  2. When the number wanting to travel exceeds the number specified in the licence?
  3. When the taxi is standing on a public stand?
  4. If the passenger has excess luggage?

42. Where must a tariff for a taxi be kept?
  1. Anywhere in the taxi?
  2. On the left front door?
  3. On the right front door?
  4. Inside on the back of the front seat of the taxi?

43. No taxi driver on the roadway shall place any printed, written or other matter by way of advertisement:
  1. On the doors of the taxi?
  2. On any side window of the taxi?
  3. On the trunk of the taxi?
  4. On the bumpers of the taxi?

44. When does a driving permit expire?
  1. On the anniversary date, (the date on which the permit was first issued).
  2. On the 31st December of every year.
  3. The date on which the permit was renewed.
  4. When suspended.

45. How would you park in a taxi stand:
  1. 15 feet from the kerb, not less than 3 feet, nor more than 4 feet apart between each other, and if alongside, not less than one foot apart and not less than three (3) feet between the lines.
  2. Anyhow.
  3. Once you are between the lines.
  4. Four (4) feet, so as to prevent the door of another car hitting your taxi when opened.

46. If the owner r taxi driver has been convicted in respect of the commission of any criminal offence with the use of the taxi the licence may be cancelled by the:
  1. Court?
  2. Police?
  3. Transport Board?
  4. Commissioner of Transport?

47. Taxis standing for hire in stands shall leave such stands for the purpose of answering calls:
  1. According to their priority of position in such stands and not otherwise?
  2. At any time?
  3. As they please?
  4. When a passenger is seen?

48. The taxi driver's licence shall not be valid:
  1. During any period in which the holder is not the holder of a driving permit?
  2. When it is lost?
  3. If defaced or broken up?
  4. If destroyed by fire?

49. When the holder of a taxi licence ceased to be fit and proper person or obtained the licence by any false representation, such licence will be cancelled by the:
  1. Commissioner of Police?
  2. Commissioner of Transport?
  3. Minister of Transport?
  4. Court?

50. When is it legal to use a rented car as taxi?
  1. During peak hours.
  2. In case of emergency.
  3. Never.
  4. During a bus or taxi strike, so as to assist the public.

51. Which of the following is legal?
  1. Washing or repairing vehicle on the street of Port-of-Spain.
  2. Touting.
  3. Allowing persons other than the driver and bona fide passengers to sit in the taxi when plying for hire in a taxi stand.
  4. Having at lease one spare inflated tyre fixed to a spare wheel when on the roadway.

52. One of those listed below is not required on a taxi by law:
  1. Safety windshield?
  2. Windshield wiper?
  3. Rear view mirror?
  4. Noisy muffler?

53. Which of the following is required by law of a left-hand drive vehicle?
  1. Affixed in a conspicuous position on the rear of the vehicle, the words "Left-Hand Drive" not less than two inches high.
  2. When turning right, extend the left arm and rotate it in a clock-wise direction.
  3. When turning left, extend the left hand and arm horizontally, palm turned to the front.
  4. All as listed above.

54. How far from the identification plate (number plate) can unauthorised letters and figures be affixed?
  1. Not within 18 inches.
  2. One foot.
  3. 6 inches.
  4. Not less than 24 inches.

55. What is a Max Taxi?
  1. A large taxi.
  2. A small bus.
  3. A public Service Motor Vehicle with seating accommodation for not less than nine nor more than twelve passengers.
  4. A taxi with 8 inch band painted around.

56. It is unlawful for any vehicle to be painted or decorated:
  1. In a colour of your choice?
  2. In such a manner and in such combination of colours as are likely to cause the vehicle to be mistaken for a Maxi-Taxi?
  3. To look pretty?
  4. In white?

57. Which of the following hand and arm signals is correct for a left turn?
  1. Arm straight out of window, with palm facing forward and circle it in an anti-clockwise direction.
  2. Arm straight out and circle in a clockwise direction.
  3. Arm out and up; pointing to the left.
  4. Arm straight out of window.

58. When will it be legal for the holder of a class (3) driving permit to drive a taxi (H. Car)?
  1. In cases of emergencies.
  2. When he is the owner not taking passengers.
  3. When driving out his family.
  4. When he is the holder of a taxi driver's Licence and Badge.

59. Which of the following hand and arm signals is correct for slowing and stopping?
  1. Arm straight out of window with palm downward, and wave it downwards and upwards, keeping it below the level of the shoulder.
  2. Arm out with palm facing forward and up.
  3. Circle motion.
  4. Arm out of window with palm facing forward.

60. Which of the following hand and arm signals is correct for a right turn?
  1. Arm straight of window with palm facing forward.
  2. Arm out and up.
  3. Arm out and down.
  4. Point a finger to the right.

61. What day of the week a maxi-taxi is required by law to ply for hire on regular route?
  1. Any day of the week.
  2. From Monday to Friday.
  3. Any day of the week except Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.
  4. No restriction.

62. How often a Public Service Vehicle must be inspected by the Licensing Authority for road worthiness?
  1. Every 6 months.
  2. After two years.
  3. Once annually.
  4. Only when it is registered.